Yinzhen White Tea – Silver Needle


Weight: 50g
Tea Species: Bud of Camellia Sinensis
(Semi fermented Bud)
Country of Origin: China


Yinzhen White Tea also known as White Hair Silver Needle, is a unique and premium tea produced in Fujian Province in China.

Amongst white teas, this is the most expensive variety and the most prized, as only top buds (leaf shoots) of the camellia sinensis plant are used to produce the tea.

Genuine Silver Needles are made from cultivars of the Da Bai (Large White) tea tree family. It is important to point out that there are other productions that look similar with downy leaf shoots but most are green teas, and as green teas, they taste differently and have a different biochemical potency than the genuine white tea Silver Needle.

How to Brew

  1. Place Yinzhen White tea leaves into a pot (1 teaspoon for 1 cup).
  2. Pour boiling water into the pot until the leaves are covered and pour it out immediately. (This step refers to as ‘awakening and cleaning the leaves’).
  3. Pour boiling water into the pot and infuse for 2 mins then pour all of the tea into the cup.

A second and third infusion is possible with the same tea leaves.

For more information please visit our How to Brew page.


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